ConvergentIS Blog

How to Successfully Deploy Procurement Solutions

Written by ConvergentIS | Aug 26, 2024 8:11:07 PM

Deploying a procurement solution is a significant step for any organization looking to streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve efficiency. While the benefits are clear, the path to successful deployment can be fraught with challenges. This guide will outline practical steps to help you deploy procurement solutions effectively, ensuring a smooth transition and long-term success.

Know What You’re Doing: Understand the Scope and Goals

Before diving into deployment, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of your organization's needs and the goals you aim to achieve with the new procurement solution. This might include reducing costs, improving order accuracy, or speeding up the procurement process. As seen with the successful implementation of Fairmarkit in the attached reference, knowing the specific criteria and triggers for procurement transactions can greatly streamline processes.

Practical Tip: Conduct a needs assessment to identify pain points in your current procurement process. Use this information to set clear, measurable goals for your new solution.

Take It in Bite-Size Pieces: Start Small, Then Scale

Implementing a new system can be overwhelming, so it’s beneficial to start small. Pilot the solution with a limited scope before rolling it out across the organization. The reference example highlights how piloting the system with specific categories and stakeholders can create a controlled environment to test the solution’s effectiveness.

Practical Tip: Choose a small, manageable department or a few product categories to start with. This allows for controlled testing and provides a proof of concept that can be shown to other departments.

Build Positive Experiences and Credibility One Stakeholder at a Time

Engaging stakeholders early and often is crucial to the success of any deployment. Their buy-in and support can make or break the project. In the reference case, success was achieved by restricting initial involvement to "friendly people" who were more likely to support the change, thereby building positive momentum.

Practical Tip: Identify key stakeholders and involve them in the planning and testing phases. Provide training and support to help them understand the benefits of the new system, ensuring they become advocates for the solution.

Set Clear Criteria and Processes

The success of a procurement solution often hinges on well-defined criteria and streamlined processes. The reference example used a "no-touch" process for transactions under a specific amount, automating and simplifying procurement. This not only saves time but also reduces errors.

Practical Tip: Define clear thresholds and automated processes for different types of transactions. Use these criteria to determine when the system can handle procurement automatically and when human intervention is needed.

Monitor, Evaluate, and Adjust

Deployment doesn’t end with going live. Continuous monitoring and evaluation are essential to ensure the solution meets your goals. Regularly reviewing performance and gathering feedback allows for adjustments that improve efficiency and effectiveness.

Practical Tip: Set up KPIs and metrics to monitor the system’s performance. Regularly review these metrics and hold feedback sessions with users to identify areas for improvement.

Be Prepared for Challenges and Political Issues

Even with the best planning, you may encounter political or organizational resistance. Addressing these challenges head-on, as seen in the Fairmarkit deployment, is critical. The key is to remain flexible and patient, focusing on the long-term benefits of the solution.

Practical Tip: Develop a communication strategy that clearly articulates the benefits of the new solution. Be prepared to address concerns and show empathy towards those resistant to change.


Successfully deploying a procurement solution requires careful planning, stakeholder engagement, and continuous improvement. By understanding your organization's needs, starting small, building credibility, and being prepared for challenges, you can achieve a successful deployment that drives significant value for your business.

Deploying a procurement solution isn't just about implementing software—it's about transforming how your organization manages its procurement processes. By following these practical steps, you can ensure a smooth deployment and pave the way for enhanced efficiency and savings.