ConvergentIS Blog

Key Metrics to Track in Sustainability

Written by ConvergentIS | Apr 4, 2023 2:03:46 PM

As sustainability gains importance for companies globally, technology plays a crucial role in aiding businesses to monitor and track their progress. In the SAP ecosystem, the SAP Control Tower platform has becoming a leading option to help companies manage their sustainability efforts by tracking and analyzing key metrics effectively. These metrics include energy consumption, waste reduction, and greenhouse gas emissions, enabling businesses to identify areas of improvement and make informed decisions that benefit their bottom line and the environment.

The caveat is that with so many ESG metrics available for tracking, many businesses wonder which ones they should start with. In this post, we will highlight the key metrics to track sustainability and explore how companies can track and enhance their sustainability performance using the SAP Control Tower platform. Whether you are a beginner in sustainability initiatives or looking to improve your current efforts, this post will provide you with the first step in building an ROI-generating strategy.

Pay Equality in Gender, Age, Etc.  

Pay equality in gender, age, and other demographics is crucial when analyzing sustainability because it speaks to a company's commitment to social responsibility and inclusivity. Pay inequality in a company creates a ripple effect that can lead to lower morale, reduced productivity, and high turnover rates, particularly among women and other underrepresented groups. Pay equity benefits employees and positively impacts a company's bottom line by fostering a diverse and inclusive workforce, attracting top talent, and enhancing brand reputation. Analyzing this metric is a critical step for companies that aim to create a sustainable future where everyone has equal opportunities and treatment in the workplace.  

Gender Representation in Management  

Measuring gender representation in management is important because it provides insight into the level of gender equality within a company. If there is a significant gender imbalance in management positions, it could indicate a lack of opportunities or bias in the hiring and promotion processes. Additionally, having a diverse and inclusive leadership team can bring a range of perspectives and ideas to the table, leading to better decision-making and improved company performance.  

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions  

Measuring greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is crucial for understanding a company's environmental impact and contribution to climate change. GHG emissions are responsible for trapping heat in the Earth's atmosphere, and its associated environmental and social impacts, such as rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and displacement of vulnerable communities. By measuring and tracking GHG emissions, companies can identify the sources of their emissions and develop strategies to reduce them, leading to both environmental benefits and potential cost savings. Moreover, as more consumers demand environmentally responsible products and services, companies that demonstrate leadership in reducing GHG emissions are likely to gain a competitive advantage and enhance their reputation.  

Water Withdrawal and Consumption  

Water Withdrawal and Consumption is a crucial metric for companies to measure as it provides valuable insight into their water usage patterns. Water is an increasingly scarce resource, and its availability and quality are critical for sustaining human and ecological health. Companies' water usage can significantly impact local communities and ecosystems, and measuring Water Withdrawal and Consumption can help them identify and mitigate potential negative impacts. By measuring Water Withdrawal and Consumption, companies can identify areas where they are using excessive amounts of water and develop strategies to reduce their water consumption. This can lead to cost savings through reduced water usage and increased efficiency.  

Training on Anti-Corruption  

Training on Anti-Corruption is a critical metric for companies to measure as it can help prevent corruption and unethical behaviour within the organization. Corruption can have significant negative impacts on a company's reputation, finances, and legal standing. By providing training on Anti-Corruption, companies can ensure that employees understand the risks and consequences of engaging in corrupt practices and can recognize and report potential instances of corruption. This can help prevent corruption from occurring and demonstrate the company's commitment to ethical business practices.  

In addition, measuring Training on Anti-Corruption can help companies comply with legal and regulatory requirements. Many countries have laws and regulations in place to prevent corruption and promote ethical behaviour in business. Providing training on Anti-Corruption can help companies meet these requirements and avoid legal and financial penalties. Furthermore, companies that demonstrate a commitment to Anti-Corruption through training and other initiatives may be more likely to win contracts or attract investment from organizations that prioritize ethical business practices. Ultimately, Training on Anti-Corruption is a crucial metric for companies to measure as it can help prevent corruption, promote ethical behaviour, and ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.  

Number of Corruption Incidents  

The number of corruption incidents is a crucial metric for companies to measure as it provides insights into the effectiveness of their anti-corruption measures and the level of ethical behaviour within the organization. Corruption can significantly negatively impact a company's reputation, finances, and legal standing. By tracking the number of corruption incidents, companies can identify areas where they may be vulnerable to corrupt practices and take action to prevent future incidents. This can help the company avoid legal and financial penalties and maintain its reputation as a responsible corporate citizen.  

Furthermore, measuring the number of corruption incidents can help companies demonstrate their commitment to ethical business practices. By being transparent about the number of corruption incidents and their efforts to prevent them, companies can build trust with customers, investors, and other stakeholders. This can enhance the company's reputation and attract new business and investment opportunities.  


Monitoring and measuring sustainability metrics is crucial for companies to understand their impact on the environment and society and to make informed decisions that benefit both their bottom line and the planet. By tracking and analyzing key metrics such as energy consumption, waste reduction, and greenhouse gas emissions, companies can identify areas for improvement and implement sustainable practices that help reduce their environmental impact. Additionally, metrics related to social sustainability, such as pay equality and gender representation in management, help companies create a more diverse and inclusive workplace that values their employees. Overall, by monitoring and measuring sustainability metrics, companies can meet their corporate social responsibility goals and gain an edge in the market and build a better future for all.