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Purchase Requisition Process Made Simple
2 min read

Purchase Requisition Process Made Simple

SAP is arguably the most powerful, far-reaching ERP system on the planet — a Tour De' Force back-end system designed to handle the most complex business scenarios. With explosive data growth, from all corners of the world, SAP has made it possible to process massive amounts of data in near real-time and feed analytic tools to glean lightning-fast insight into threats and opportunities. 

Extending this computing power to the cloud has generated myriad configurations, both on-prem and in the cloud, that can meet the specific needs of businesses, from very large and very small. The ability to scale with an enterprise's growth is built-in. But despite the massive power of SAP’s back-end, until recently, the user perspective on ease-of-use and support for mobility has been weak. It’s been the bottleneck. Users were presented with archaic and arcane interfaces and numerous screens and transaction codes. It's become an unfortunate badge of honor to learn these systems and sometimes even to work around them.  

A New User Experience

Fortunately, SAP introduced a modern and intuitive user experience with SAP Fiori.  Working with its partner developer ecosystem, SAP is advancing development like never before. Partners such as ConvergentIS are creating user experiences that are intuitive and simple.  Streamlined processes that eliminate complexity while delivering more workflow transparency. For ConvergentIS, it’s about reinventing the SAP purchase requisition workflow for today’s time-challenged, and increasingly mobile, employees. 

No More Transaction Codes

Users no longer need to memorize transaction codes and which fields are actually required.  Instead, they follow an intuitive process that guides them step-by-step through PR creation and provides them with easy access to the status of their requisitions (even listing out who the approval is waiting on!). Requisitions no longer fall into a black hole and contribute to organizational latency and missed objectives.  

For Procurement

For Procurement, providing users access to the ConvergentIS purchase requisition app accelerates onboarding and increases the utilization of systems. Users actually enjoy using the apps, because ConvergentIS designed the app with and around them! Far less time is required to go through the painful process of training users.  

For IT

IT no longer has to spend time validating bolt-on 3rd party bolt-on solutions that attempt to fix issues but end up adding more costs and complexity. For IT, the time can be better directed towards solving other significant problems and address opportunities that move the needle for the organization. The app provides a robust, proven solution that can be quickly deployed and tuned for an immediate win for the IT organization. 

Improvement Starts With Simplicity

For the business, Simplified Requisitioning means improved compliance achieved through simplicity, clear guidance on required user input, and faster roll-outs and adoption throughout the organization. This translates into increased organization velocity and instant visibility into the state of the company. Analytics can capture instantly where bottlenecks are in processes, and if requisitions are in line with business strategy. One step closer to the Zero Response time enterprise. 

Discover more ways to accelerate your end-to-end procurement processes here.